Miami Workers’ Compensation Claim Attorneys

Worker's Compensation

Seeking Benefits After a Denial of a Claim

If your claim has been denied, we can help you with filing a claim called a “petition for benefits,” which will eventually bring your case before a judge. We will work to clearly demonstrate your need for workers’ compensation based on the records of your injury and the medical treatment you have been receiving.

Denials After Initial Approval

In some cases, insurance companies will initially authorize a workers’ compensation case and even begin paying out benefits before denying the claim. This is completely legal, as they have 120 days to investigate and make a final determination. However, this is very troubling for injured workers who suddenly stop receiving the benefits they need. If your case is still within that 120-day window, it can be beneficial to have an attorney representing your interests and dealing with the insurance company to ensure your best interest is protected.

Denied Workers’ Compensation in Miami?

If your claim has been denied or you have suddenly stopped receiving benefits, contact us today to discuss your options with our qualified attorneys.

Juan Lucas Alvarez

Juan Lucas
